Stayed or will stay: when to use each shape?

Did they stay or will they stay? The use of these two terms will depend on the intention of the speaker or writer. So if you intend to nominate a past fact related to the third person plural (“they” or “they”), the correct is to use "stayed". However, if your intention is to refer to a future event, the right thing is to use "will be".

Read too:Arrived or arrived?

When to use “stayed”?

We use the term "stayed" when we intend to use the verb “to stay” in the third person plural of the past perfect tense. So it's a past form referring to the personal pronouns “they” and “they”.

  • Juliano and Leopoldina they fasted for a week.
    (They were fasting for a week.)

  • your faces were unrecognizable after plastic surgery.
    (They were unrecognizable after plastic surgery.)

  • From our friendship, they were alone the good memories.
    (They stayed.)

  • My aunts stayed with me in the hospital.
    (They stayed with me at the hospital.)

  • The boys they stayed with the chocolates.
    (They stayed with the chocolates.)

When to use “will stay”?

We use the word "will be" when we want to use the verb “to stay” in the third person plural of the present future, at the indicative mode. So it's a form of the future referring to the personal pronouns “they” and “they”.

  • Juliano and Leopoldina they will fast for a week.
    (They will fast for a week.)

  • your faces will be unrecognizable after plastic surgery.
    (They will be unrecognizable after plastic surgery.)

  • Of our friendship, they will only be the good memories.
    (They will stay.)

  • My aunts they will stay with me in the hospital.
    (They will stay with me at the hospital.)

  • The boys they will keep the chocolates.
    (They will keep the chocolates.)

See too: Was there or was there?

The use of “stayed” and “will remain” confuses a lot of people.
The use of “stayed” and “will remain” confuses a lot of people.

solved exercises

Question 1 - Analyze the following statements and mark the alternative in which the conjugation of the verb “stay” is INCORRECT.

A) Yesterday my children were very sad when they found out that we are moving.

B) In a week, my puppies will be home alone for the first time.

C) Next Monday, Judite and Pedro will stay with me at my grandfather's farm.

D Tomorrow, Elisa and Sara stood guard in front of the jockey club until midnight.

E) It's been a week since they had no electricity, and so far, no one has resolved anything.


Alternative D. In the statement “Tomorrow, Elisa and Sara will be on guard in front of the jockey club until midnight”, the adverb “tomorrow” indicates a future situation. Therefore, it is correct to use the verb “to stay” in the present future, that is, “Elisa and Sarah will be on guard”.

Question 2 - Read the text below and fill in the blanks with the terms “remained” or “will remain”.

Last week, Eleanor and Jordana ______ bought the birthday cake. But so far, no news. I was going to buy one myself, but they ______ repeating that I didn't understand anything about cake, that the last time I decided to buy one, nobody liked it. So I left this task to them. But so far, they have shown no sign of life. I think I'll text you to remind you that my nephews ______ are very upset if there is no cake at the party.

The correct sequence for filling in the gaps is:

A) they stayed, they will stay, they will stay.

B) will stay, stay, stay.

C) will stay, stay, stay.

D) stayed, stayed, will stay.

E) stayed, stayed, stayed.


Alternative D. The correct sequence for filling in the blanks is “stayed, stayed, will stay”, since the first two occurrences are located in “last week”, that is, they are facts that have already happened. The last occurrence refers to something that is yet to happen, that is, a future event.

by Warley Souza
grammar teacher 

Source: Brazil School -

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