The new entries in the Aurélio dictionary

Language, now seen as a living organism, increasingly tends to manifest itself among social relations as a whole, directly influencing the way of thinking and acting. This time, in view of this undeniable occurrence, in commemoration of the centenary of its author, Aurélio Buarque de Holanda, Editora Positivo published the fifth edition of the work, this time “filled” with new words that, little by little, were taking their places in everyday language, and which are now already conceived as officers.

Among the present innovations, there are the terms considered "popular" in our environment, such as Ricardão (a term used to designate the lover), botox (aesthetic treatment used to contain signs arising from the aging of the skin), nerd (the one who stands out in studies), bullying (acts of physical or psychological aggression), among many others. In addition to the widespread recurrence – which implied in such an attempt – another factor also of remarkable significance were the innovations arising from the technological advances that the current society permeates. Therefore, the predominance of terms linked to this aspect explains this reality and proves the influence exerted by these in our environment. This is what Neusa Maria Oliveira Barbosa Bastos, professor at the Mackenzie Communication and Letters Center, elucidates:

It is important to include words related to technological advances, because they refer to new habits and actions that become common in the daily lives of Brazilians.

Not forgetting to mention the significant number of foreign words that, once uttered, resulted from the unprecedented initiative in meeting a foreign audience and their real needs, especially their teachers of Portuguese. This public was hitherto underprivileged by scholars in this area.

In view of such clarifications, in order to keep ourselves even more informed, we will check some cases that represent the fact discussed herein, once expressed by:

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Test drive – Evaluation aimed at the performance of a vehicle when driving it.

SAMU – acronym for Mobile Emergency Care Service.

Enem – Acronym for the National High School Exam.

E-book – [engl.]- Male noun. V. eBook.

Ecobag – Bag made with biodegradable material.

Backpacker – Someone who travels light.

Pet shop – Store that offers services that meet the needs of domestic animals.

Tablet – [English] – Male noun. Information 1 – Computer for personal use that has a touch-sensitive screen. 2. Special type of pen, used to record notes directly on the computer screen.

Spam – [English] – Male noun. Information Advertising message or not, received via e-mail without the user's consent or request.

Blogging – Intransitive verb. Keep a blog (when it comes to internet users). [Conjugation: beg.]

Tweet – [twitt (er) + -ar2]- intransitive verb. 1. Post comments, information, photos, etc. on twitter. gen. of a personal or institutional nature. 2. Keep track of facts, ideas, information, etc. registered by someone on their twitter. [spouse: to judge.]

Fotolog - [Adapt. from English photolog.]Male noun. 1. Virtual photo album, posted on the Internet.

Cookie – [English] Male noun. 1. Cult. Crispy and soft biscuit with a rounded shape, ger. stuffed with nuts, raisins, etc. 2. Information Information collected by a web browser that is stored on your computer and can be used. by Internet sites.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "The new entries in the Aurélio dictionary"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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