Ways to Obtain Energy

Energy causes changes in matter, it is related to the ability to produce work.
Let's look at the different ways to obtain energy:
Electricity: is the most used form of energy in the world, whose main source comes from hydroelectric plants. The force of water is responsible for the generation of energy, and the process consists of large volumes of water dams that fall through the pipes turning turbines coupled to a generator, thus producing energy electric.
Nuclear energy: a thermal energy that is transformed into electrical energy is produced in nuclear power plants through physical-chemical processes.
wind energy: It has already been used to produce mechanical energy in mills, it is produced by moving air. It is attractive because it does not cause environmental damage and has a low production cost compared to other alternative energy sources.
Solar energy: this type of energy comes from an inexhaustible source: the sun. Solar panels have photoelectric cells that transform energy from the sun's rays into electrical energy. It has the advantage of not harming the environment.

Thermal energy: when we go to iron clothes, the electrical energy is transformed into thermal energy through the iron.
Sound energy and light energy: We receive lighting at home by transforming electrical energy that, when passing through a light bulb, becomes incandescent, and the television allows us to receive sound energy.
mechanical energy: used in automobile industries for heavy work.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

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Nuclear energy in Brazil

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/formas-obtencao-energia.htm

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