Saint Nicholas of Bari, Santa Claus

A prelate who, according to tradition, was born in Patara, in Lycia, present-day Turkey, the patron saint of Russia who lived during the time of the Roman emperors Diocletian, Maximian and Constantine. From tendencies to monastic life, in his youth he made a pilgrimage towards Palestine and Egypt and soon after his return, for his courage and virtue he was elected bishop of Mira, in Lycia, Asia Smaller.
For having preached the true religion he was imprisoned by the city magistrates during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian. Released during Constantine's reign, he attended the Council of Nicea (325) and gained fame as a miracle worker. His relics gained a reputation as miraculous, and were transported at the end of the 11th century by a group of Italian merchants to the city of Bari, Italy, where they are still a sanctuary and, therefore, the designation end of the name.
In addition to being the patron saint of Russia, he is also the patron saint of children, scholars, virgins, sailors and merchants. Tradition has it that he once secretly gave presents to the three daughters of a poor man, that because he could not give them dowries for their respective marriages, he was about to abandon them to prostitution. Hence the custom of giving presents on Christmas Day and his personification as the Good Old Man. The feast of the holy Archbishop of Mira is celebrated by the Latin Catholic Church on December 6th.


Order P - Biography - Brazil School

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