the colds are very common at some times of the year, especially in winter. They cause discomfort, sneezing and are responsible for an exaggerated production of runny nose. Next, we will clarify the main doubts about this very common disease.
→ What causes the cold?
The common cold is a disease caused by several types of virus, the most common being the rhinovirus, belonging to the Picornavirus family. These organisms cause infection in the upper airways (nose and throat).
Virus transmission is done through droplets of saliva that are eliminated by the patient at the time of cough, sneeze or, even, by the contact of contaminated hands with the airway of a healthy person. Due to the forms of transmission, contagion is greater in closed environments and with a large number of people, such as schools.
→ What are the symptoms of a cold?
Viruses that cause the common cold enter the lining of the nose, where they cause irritation and inflammation. With this, the mucosa begins to produce coryza, a secretion popularly called phlegm. In addition to these symptoms, a cold causes nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes and rarely fever, which in these cases is usually low.
→ Is there treatment for a cold?
There is no medicine that will cure the common cold, so its treatment only alleviates the symptoms of the illness. In addition, the condition is quite simple and almost never leads to complications, so no specific remedy is used.
Despite being recommended by several people, the use of cough suppressants, expectorants, antihistamines or sympathomimetic decongestants is not recommended in cases of common cold, as there is no scientific evidence to recommend its use. Despite this, some simple measures are advised by doctors to improve symptoms, such as if hydrate well, carry out nasal wash with saline solution, drink sweet and warm liquids and ingest half to two spoons of honey before bedtime.
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→ How to prevent a cold?
Preventing a cold is an extremely difficult task, and most people will at some point become infected. However, there are some measures that can reduce the risks, such as avoid closed spaces, always wash your hands, avoid stressful situations, eat well and exercise regularly.
→ Does the flu vaccine protect against colds?
The flu vaccine does not work against colds, as the flu is caused by a different virus from the ones that cause the cold. As the two diseases are very similar, people who are vaccinated believe that the vaccine is flawed because they get sick again. However, often, the person has a cold rather than the flu.
→ What are the differences between a flu and a cold?
Despite being very similar, the the flu and the cold are different conditions. The first difference is that the flu is caused by the virus. Influenza, and the cold is triggered by other types of viruses. Also, flu symptoms are more severe and last longer than colds. Typically, a flu patient has a high fever, headaches and body aches, chills, and severe weakness, symptoms that are uncommon in a patient with a cold.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos