10 tips to stop foot odor

O stinky feet, also known as plantar bromhidrosis, is a problem characterized by bad smell on the feet. This unpleasant odor arises as a result of the proliferation of bacteria in our feet, which use the components of sweat and the remains of dead skin cells as food. These bacteria release acids such as the isovaleric acid, which are responsible for the characteristic smell of foot odor.

Read too: Bromhidrosis and body odors

10 tips to stop foot odor

As we know, foot odor is not a serious health problem, but it is a situation that bothers not only the person who has the problem, but others around him. So it's important to find ways to fight it. Look 10 valuable tips!

 The characteristic odor of foot odor is triggered by the action of bacteria.
The characteristic odor of foot odor is triggered by the action of bacteria.
  1. Always wash your feet thoroughly. In the case of people who have foot odor, the use of antiseptic soaps is recommended. Another important point is to always remember to wash well between your fingers.

  2. Once a week, exfoliation thickened areas of the feet. This exfoliation can be done with sandpaper and after bathing.

  3. After washing your feet, make sure to dry them before putting on the shoe. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the space between your fingers, as it is an environment that can get very humid.

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  4. avoid closed shoes, as they make it difficult to ventilate the feet, especially on hot days. When the feet get sweaty inside the shoes, a warm and humid environment is created, which is therefore very conducive to the development of bacteria.

  5. When using socks, prefer those made of cotton, as they allow greater air circulation. Socks made of synthetic materials do not adequately absorb moisture and can help foot odor development.

  6. Do not wear the same pair of socks for more than a day. Whenever putting on a shoe, wear clean socks.

  7. Avoid using the same shoe every day.

  8. After using the shoes, remember to leave them in a cool place before saving them. Shoes should never be stored if they are damp.

  9. Thoroughly clean your shoes. A tip is to clean the shoe with alcohol 70 before putting it away.

  10. Use talc or antiseptic sprays. These talcs are important as they prevent the proliferation of bacteria responsible for producing the unpleasant odor.

The use of antiseptics prevents foot odor from developing.
The use of antiseptics prevents foot odor from developing.

It is worth noting that the above tips can also help to prevent diseases caused by fungi, famous mycoses. O athlete's foot, for example, is a type of ringworm that causes itchiness and redness in the feet and can be prevented with some of the aforementioned tips.

By M. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "10 tips to stop foot odor"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/10-dicas-para-acabar-com-chule.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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