Bad breath. Know what bad breath is

O bad breath, popularly called breath, is the elimination of unpleasant odors by mouth. This is not a disease, but a sign that something in the body is not working and needs to be controlled. In medical parlance, it is called halitosis – word derived from latin Halitus, which means exhaled air.

According to ABHA, 30% of the Brazilian population suffers from halitosis. Many people spend years with problems and are discriminated against because of bad breath. This is because the sense of smell gets used to constant smells, letting bad breath go unnoticed.

But what causes the bad breath? It can have many causes. Approximately 90 to 95% of cases are of oral origin and 5 to 10% of other causes, such as those derived from the upper airways or of metabolic origin. In addition, it may be due to poor oral hygiene, but this cause only accounts for 20% of cases. It is important to emphasize that halitosis is not caused by stomach problems, which is an existing myth on the subject.

There are two most frequent causes of halitosis: the presence of

tongue coating or of tonsil cases. The tongue coating is made up of protein, food and salivary residues; flaky cells from the epithelial tissue of the mouth and cheek, as well as bacteria. It has a whitish or yellowish color and forms on the dorsum of the tongue. the tonsil cases they have a formation and composition similar to the lingual coating, but they are formed in depressions in the posterior region of the tongue, deep in the oral cavity. Bacteria present in the coatings and/or caseuses feed on protein debris from the desquamated epithelial cells, releasing sulfur in the form of "volatile sulfur compounds (CSVs)", which are mainly responsible for the unpleasant smell of bad breath.

We can list as other frequent causes of halitosis poor oral hygiene, gum problems such as gingivitis; abscesses, reduced saliva production, prolonged fasting, dry mouth, excessive alcohol consumption (including mouthwashes that contain alcohol, as they contribute to the dryness and desquamation of the epithelium of the oral cavity) and low water intake - which contributes to the low salivation.

For avoid bad breath it is recommended to perform a daily good oral hygiene, brushing teeth after meals and flossing at least once a day; do not forget to also brush your tongue during brushing, with your own brush or with your own scrapers; drink plenty of water, at least two liters a day; avoid going many hours without eating; avoid excessive use of tobacco, alcohol, and alcohol-based mouthwashes, and visit the dentist regularly.

If there is a perception of the constant incidence of bad breath, a dentist who specializes in the subject should be sought. This professional will be able to discover the causes of halitosis and provide guidance on how to fight it.

By Flávia Figueiredo
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School -

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