MEC's ​​Selection Process for teachers closes enrollment today

Inep published a Public Call to compose the Register of Producers and Reviewers of Higher Education Items (Ceres) of the National Bank of Items (BNI). The selected professors will participate in the preparation of the Enade 2019 exams.

Registration must be made by April 24, exclusively through the BNI System. BNI stores items with technical quality for the assembly of tests applied by Inep, including Enade.

The objective is to support tests capable of estimating more accurately the proficiency of students in relation to syllabus, skills and competences provided for in the National Curriculum Guidelines of the respective undergraduate courses or in the guidelines of the National Catalog of Higher Education Courses Technology.

The registration and selection of collaborators for the preparation and review of items are intended for professors working in the areas of: Architecture and Urbanism, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Food Engineering and Engineering Computing.

Also for professors of Control and Automation Engineering, Production Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Forestry Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering.


To enroll, the teacher must meet the following requirements:

Check out some free courses
  • Free Online Inclusive Education Course
  • Free Online Toy Library and Learning Course
  • Free Online Math Games Course in Early Childhood Education
  • Free Online Pedagogical Cultural Workshops Course
  • Have a university degree course completion diploma.
  • Exercise or have exercised teaching activity, in the last 18 months, in the undergraduate course for which you intend to enroll.
  • Prove the link in HEI accredited by the competent government.
  • Be available for activities to be developed within the scope of BNI.
  • Do not belong to the permanent or commissioned staff of MEC, Inep, Capes, FNDE, CNPq or Finep.
  • Have an unblemished reputation.
  • No pending issues with tax and social security authorities.
  • Have computer skills, particularly with regard to the use of text editing applications.
  • Have a computer with Windows operating system to access the BNI virtual environment.

Next steps

The period for calling the selected professionals is from April 25th to May 3rd. All those selected will undergo training. During this period, the rules, procedures and technical criteria will be passed on.

The training will be held from May 6th to 24th. The workshop for preparing and reviewing items will be from June 3 to 21, 2019. All steps will be at a distance. Another notice will include the areas of Agricultural Sciences, Health Sciences and Higher Technology Courses.


The National Bank of Items (BNI) provides inputs for the various assessments and examinations developed by Inep. All employees participate in training and elaboration/review workshops.

The participation of the educational and academic community throughout Brazil expands diversity and improves the adequacy of instruments for evaluating the country's education. For more information, Click here.

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