Enem 2018: Inep receives registrations for test inspectors

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Enrollment is now open for the National Network of Certifiers (RNC) of the National High School Examination (Enem) 2018. Federal civil servants and teachers from the state or municipal public education system can apply until August 20th.

Register for certifier

Registration can be done through the official website or the app. The version for the Android operating system is now available on Google Play, while for iOS it will be released on the Apple Store next Friday, August 3rd.

Who can participate?

The certifier must meet some criteria:

=> Be a federal civil servant or state or municipal teacher;
=> Minimum education in high school;
=> Not be a participant in Enem 2018;
=> Not having a spouse or relative up to the 3rd degree enrolled in Enem 2018;
=> Not be linked to any activity in the Enem process (preparation, printing, distribution, application, inspection or correction of the wording).

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Applicants must have a smartphone or tablet with internet access for the Enem 2018 RNC certification work.

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What does the certifier do?

The selected certifiers are trained to monitor and check the Enem 2018 application procedures. RNC represents Inep at the venues where the tests are held.

Federal employees receive through the Gratification for Charges for Courses and Contests (GECC) and teachers through the Educational Assessment Aid (AAE). The amount paid is R$318 for 12 hours of work.

More information at Notice.


What to study for Encceja
What to study for Encceja

See what to study for the Encceja exam and get more confident at the Exam, thus ensuring your certification, whether for Elementary or High School. Despite having the same number of questions for both levels of certifications, the content charged to be studied in Encceja has a difference.


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