O International Education Day is a commemorative date whose role is to reinforce the importance of education in the development of humanity in various aspects. There is currently a divergence in its celebration, as some do it on January 24th, and others on April 28th.
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Importance of education
We all know the importance of education for the development of human beings, as it provides tools that enable everyone evolve and achieve a more dignified life is better. This is because we know that people who have access to quality education also receive bestopportunities.
No wonder the United Nations Organization, a ONU, recognizes the importance of quality education for the development of children and adolescents and for the fighting social differences it's from gender. Of course, this fight is only possible with an education that promote inclusion and equality.
It was because of its importance that the UN included education as one of its Oobjectives of Ddevelopment swearable (ODS). This is because the organization understands that education does, in fact, have a role in fighting poverty and that it is essential to ensure environmental protection, in addition to peace and prosperity among people.
For the UN, quality education is its fourth SDG (out of 17). This commitment was signed by 193 countries, of which Brazil is a part, and aims to reach these goals by the year 2030. With regard to education, some of the proposals to be worked on are|1|:
4.1 – By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education that will lead to relevant and effective learning outcomes.
4.7 - By 2030, ensure that all students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and valuing cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to development sustainable.
the brazilian educator Paulo Freire understood that the education should promote freedom and result in the transformation of the world and in the humanization of the individual, endowing him with critical capacity. For him, a liberating education will allow human beings to develop their autonomy of thinking.
It is considering these aspects that it is concluded that education is fundamental for everyone, because the building a world the best is, necessarily, through the encouragement, investment and development of education, both in Brazil and in the rest of the planet.
International Education Day
The importance of education, as we have seen, is something that is perceived internationally, as it plays a fundamental role in the individual development of each person. Education guarantees better opportunities, the development of critical capacity, and is seen as a way to transform our society.
It is precisely with this importance in mind that the International Day of Education is celebrated annually. This commemorative date seeks to reinforce the importance of this tool and serve as a starting point for making people aware of their role. In addition, the date serves as a time for debates and proposals on how to improve education happen.
However, in Brazil, there is no consensus on when to celebrate the International Day of Education. That's because there are two proposals for this. The proposed days are:
January 24th
April 28th
The first proposal celebrates the International Day of Education in January 24th, and its choice was made by the UN, in a General Assembly on December 3, 2018. The organization's proposal was an initiative to reaffirm a series of its objectives aimed at sustainable development and to peace, the SDGs being part of them.
This assembly, therefore, determined that January 24 be set aside to celebrate the International Day of Education. At the same meeting, the UN also invited non-governmental organizations, educational organizations, academic institutes, private educational institutes, among others, to comply with his request to celebrate education on the aforementioned date.
On the other hand, in Brazil, many educators understand that the International Day of Education should be celebrated on the April 28th. This is because, on April 28, 2000, an international commitment was signed by the leaders of 164 countries, including Brazil, in order to guarantee the development of education in the world.
This commitment was made during the World Education Forum, held in Dakar, Senegal. At the end of this event, as mentioned, on April 28, the DeclarationinGivesçair, a document in which international leaders made commitments to ensure improvements in education.
Among the commitments agreed upon, the following stands out:
3. We reaffirm the vision of the World Declaration on Education for All (Jomtien, 1990), supported by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, that every child, youth and adult has the human right to benefit from a satisfying education their basic learning needs, in the best and fullest sense of the term, and which includes learning to learn, to do, to live together and to to be. It is an education aimed at capturing the talents and potential of each person and developing the personality of the students so that they can improve their lives and transform their societies.|2|
|1| Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education. To access, click on here.
|2| Dakar Declaration. To access, click on here.
By Daniel Neves Silva
History teacher
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-internacional-da-educacao.htm