Relationship between exercise and memory

When talking about physical exercise, we always remember the benefits to health, such as decreased risk of heart problems and improved fitness. However, recent studies have also demonstrated the benefit of these activities with regard to cognitive functions.

According to some studies, physical exercise improves brain function, as well as protecting it. For this reason, exercise would play an important role in preventing mental problems, decreasing the rates of these illnesses in physically active people. In addition, some studies also show that sedentary people have slower cognitive processing.

It is important to emphasize that physical exercises are beneficial at any stage of life and it is never too late to start them. Some analyzes in the elderly, for example, found a positive change in the cognitive performance of this group. Therefore, it is believed that physical activities can help prevent dementia in later life.

The type and duration of the exercise performed influence the cognitive results achieved. There is important evidence that exercises that increase aerobic capacity are responsible for improving cognitive functions.

Therefore, doctors recommend aerobic activities for at least half an hour and three times a week to prevent cognitive loss.

Although several studies suggest a positive relationship between physical exercise and memory, many studies present conflicting data on the subject. However, some exercise functions are already well established, such as contributing to integrity. cerebrovascular and increased brain oxygenation, which are activities that allow better function brain.

In addition to physical exercise, other measures must be taken in favor of memory. Here are some tips:

→ Protect yourself from cardiovascular problems by always keeping your blood pressure at the right levels, controlling diabetes and eating a balanced diet.

→ Sleep at least eight hours a night. It is during sleep that we consolidate our memory, in addition to allowing us to be more alert when awake.

→ Avoid the consumption of drugs and alcohol, as these substances can reduce our ability to store information.

→ Stay active! It is important to maintain a cycle of friendships and carry out activities that stimulate the brain.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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