Meaning of Interpersonal Relationship (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Interpersonal relationship is a concept from the scope of sociology and psychology that means a relationship between two or more people. This type of relationship is marked by the context in which it is inserted, which can be a family background, school, in work or of community.

The interpersonal relationship implies a social relationship, that is, a set of behavioral norms that guide interactions between members of a society. The concept of social relationship, from the field of sociology, was studied and developed by Max Weber.

The content of an interpersonal relationship can occur on several levels and involve different feelings such as love, compassion, friendship and shared values.

On the other hand, it can be marked by other situations such as litigation, disputes, enmities, or other forms of interpersonal conflict. Conflicts arise from disagreements and miscommunication between two or more individuals.

intrapersonal relationship

The concept of intrapersonal relationship it is distinct, but no less important. This concept refers to a person's ability to relate to their own feelings and emotions. This will determine how each person acts when confronted with everyday situations.

To have a healthy intrapersonal relationship, an individual must exercise areas such as self-assertion, self-motivation, self-mastery and self-knowledge.

interpersonal relationship at work

In the context of organizations, interpersonal relationships are extremely important. A positive interpersonal relationship contributes to a good atmosphere in the company, which can result in increased productivity.

In the work context, healthy interpersonal relationships are achieved when people know themselves, when they are able to put themselves in others' shoes and demonstrate empathy.

It is also important that people express their opinions clearly and directly without offending the other (assertiveness), be cordial and act ethically.

American sociology has intensively addressed issues related to human relations and their applications in the context of organizational policies.

These human relationships can be categorized into:

  • industrial relations (relating to industry);
  • labor (in the workplace);
  • public relations (company relationship with external stakeholders).

Elton Mayo and Fritz Jules Roethlisberger were two of the loudest names in the study of theories of human relations.

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