Aspects of the population of Rio Grande do Norte

The state of Rio Grande do Norte is located in the Northeast region of Brazil, bordering Paraíba (to the south) and Ceará (to the west), in addition to being bathed by the Atlantic Ocean (to the north and east).
Its territorial extension is 52,810,699 square kilometers, divided into 167 municipalities. According to the population count carried out in 2010 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), it totals 3,168,027 inhabitants. Demographic density is approximately 60 inhab/km² and population growth is 1.3% per year.
Most of the population lives in urban areas (77.8%). According to IBGE data, the average monthly income of families residing in Rio Grande Norte is R$ 1,203.00 reais, being considered one of the highest in the Northeast Region.

Natal, the most populous city in Rio Grande do Norte

Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, is the most populous city in the state, has 803,739 inhabitants in a territorial extension of 167 square kilometers. Other populous cities in Rio Grande do Norte are: Mossoró (259,815), Parnamirim (202,456), São Gonçalo do Amarante (87,668), Macaíba (69,467), Ceará-Mirim (68,141), Caicó (62,709), Açu (53,227).

The cultural manifestations of the Potiguar inhabitants are very diverse, including: O Boi de Reis (traditional Bumba meu Boi), Boi Calemba, Fandango, Congada, Caboclinhos, Coco, Bambelô, Araruna, among others.
The Potiguar's life expectancy has increased every year, from 1980 to 2006, this index grew 20%. Currently, the average is 70 years. The infant mortality rate has also shown better results, however, the average is still high – 33.5 deaths per thousand live births.
Illiteracy affects 20% of the population and environmental sanitation is provided to less than half of them. With regard to the Human Development Index (HDI), it is 0.738, a fact that leads the state to occupy 21st place in the national ranking.

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By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

large northern river - Northeast region - geography of Brazil - Brazil School

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Aspects of the population of Rio Grande do Norte"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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