How to avoid ten common Portuguese mistakes

Writing well is still a big challenge for most people, especially for those who need to know the ins and outs of writing to achieve personal and professional success. It is not an easy task to deal with the Portuguese language, given that our language has numerous peculiarities that make it one of the most complex in the world. Good writing depends on good reasoning and good ideas, but it also depends on your grammatical knowledge.

You grammatical errors they are still the biggest problem faced by teachers in the essays of students and candidates for exams and entrance exams. It is not uncommon to find texts that, although they present a good level of argumentation, lack an excess of grammatical inaccuracy. The Portuguese language is a code and needs to be respected and preserved. For these reasons, it is essential to know its rules. It is not enough to memorize them, it is necessary to understand them and put them at the service of communication, as a text, when well written, conveys a message more efficiently.

So that you are free from the linguistic slips that so hinder communication in the written modality, Brasil Escola will teach you how to avoid ten common Portuguese mistakes when writing an essay. They are very simple writing tips, but they will make all the difference when that question arises that can, if not corrected, compromise your text. Enjoy your reading and good studies!

How to avoid ten common Portuguese mistakes when writing an essay

Tip 1: Never confuse the verb “haver” with the expression “to see”. Remember that one thing doesn't has nothing to do with the other one!;

Tip 2: Be careful not to confuse the ending of verbs in the past perfect tense of the indicative with the ending of conjugated verbs in the future of the indicative: “Employees askam vacation” (perfect tense) is different from “Employees askto the vacation” (future of the call);

Tip 3: Be careful not to confuse bad with bad. If you are in doubt when writing, just remember that “bad” is the opposite of good, and “evil” is the opposite of good;

Tip 4: Don't confuse “but” with “more”. While but plays the role of adversative conjunction, more plays the role of an adverb of intensity: he needs more time to rest, but the hard work routine doesn't allow;

Tip 5: no exchange give you per to lead and vice versa. “brought flowers to give you, and not "brought flowers to to lead”. "I do not know to lead with so many problems" rather than "I do not know give you with so many problems";

Tip 6: Beware of improper joining of elements. Errors like surely (certainly), unusual (when the intended meaning is "in common"), find match (on the other hand) and starting (from) are common in newsrooms;

Tip 7: Pay attention to the use of the pronoun where. The pronoun where is almost always used to express the notion of place. Outside this context, it is necessary to be very careful not to slip in grammar, especially in semantics. When there is no indication of place, use relative pronouns such as “in which” or “in which”. By following this rule, you will avoid errors such as: "This new behavior of young people, Where personal relationships are being replaced by virtual relationships, it's not healthy.” Choose:"This new behavior of young people, on what personal relationships are being replaced by virtual relationships, it's not healthy.” ;

Tip 8: Use demonstrative pronouns properly. That, for example, it makes reference to a previously presented idea. This it should be used to refer to an idea that has yet to be presented. “It burned all the letters and photographs. Did that to no longer suffer from the memories.”;

Tip 9:do not use the word same with the function of personal pronoun. It can be a demonstrative pronoun, noun or adjective, but never a personal pronoun, that is, it should not replace a subject in the clause. Wrong:“The suspects were detained near Copacabana beach. You same were taken to the police station and will testify.”Right:“The suspects were detained near Copacabana beach. They were taken to the police station and will testify.”;

Tip 10: Beware of concordance errors with verbs that do not allow the plural or use of singular when the verb must go plural. The verbs do and have, for example, when they indicate chronological time, do not vary in number, that is, they are not pluralized: "It's been ten years since we traveled for the last time", and not "do ten years since we traveled for the last time"; is found solutions" (wrong form) instead of "meet solutions" (Remember that in this case the verb must agree with the subject).
By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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