Uber via WhatsApp: It is now possible to call a driver in the app

Announced last Thursday, the 24th, the partnership between Uber and Whatsapp brings something new to application users. From now on, it will be possible to request races through the tool developed by Meta. Did you imagine that this practicality was possible? You don't have to leave your favorite app for almost anything.

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To start UberX or Uber Moto rides, you no longer need to launch the Uber app.

WhatsApp partners with Uber

So far, only two countries in the world have access to the function of calling races through the messenger. We're talking about India, which made the feature available in 2021, and now Brazil too.

Unfortunately, only four Brazilian cities can make use of the resource: Juazeiro do Norte and Sobral, in Ceará; São Luís, in Maranhão; and Teresina, in Piauí. To use it, the user must have an active registration on the app transport platform, that is, a login and password.

Once logged into Uber, the ride can be requested through the WhatsApp number provided by the company: (11) 94488-3478. It is important to remember that the conversation with a company must present the verifier, in green, next to the name. Make sure of this to ensure your safety when requesting the ride.

I don't have an Uber account: what to do?

The use of the new feature is restricted to registered Uber users only. Therefore, if you do not have an account yet, it is important to create one to request the ride via WhatsApp.

In that case, the payment method will also be different. These are cash only rides, payable to the driver directly once you arrive at your final destination.

Different from what is found in the own application, the WhatsApp ride service will only work from 6 am to 10 pm. At other times, it will be necessary to start the tool to call the partner driver.

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