A textual genre of the electronic medium

It becomes quite banal to talk about something we have mastered to the extreme. But it is because we dominate, due to constant familiarity, that some characteristics go unnoticed. And when it comes to the enormous variety of textual genres that make up our daily lives, we need to be aware of the peculiarities concerning each one of them.
There is nothing mysterious about this prerogative, as we are dealing with a modality
quite ordinary, the e-mail. The same, representing the technological innovations that day after day arrive to compose the framework of resources that so much benefit us, it allows communication between different parties to be carried out quickly and efficient.
Such interaction, which previously could only be done through letters, telegrams or phone calls, contemporarily, it has become much more viable, in which practicality and dynamism stand out as pertinent features.
The term email (reduction of electronic mail), whose significance refers to electronic mail, designates both the message sent through the

Internet, as the address to which we send the message. Generally, an email address is made up of the following structure: [email protected].
The namedesignates the user,the @ symbol (at sign) tells the computer that the set of information is an email address,the provideris the company that provides access to the Internet, which can be free or upon payment of a certain fee. The term "with"commercial designation and "br",Brazil.
Its structure resembles that of the letter, with vocative, the message itself and the farewell. The date and time, the system itself is responsible for assigning. With regard to the language used, this may vary according to the degree of formalism established by the interlocutors. It can vary from a certain colloquialism, tending towards a more elaborate intimacy, as well as a more formal level, when dealing with correspondence linked to the professional sphere.
In the case of a more intimate atmosphere between the interlocutors, the abbreviation of some words is allowed, as well as the insertion of some elements called emoticons (from english emotion icons, emotion icons), whose characteristic is to indicate the state of mind on the part of the sender, which, in order to be interpreted, requires a tilt of the head to the right side.
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "A textual genre of the electronic medium"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/um-genero-textual-meio-eletronico.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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