Peru. Peru data

Peru is a South American country located in the western southern hemisphere, its territory is bathed by the Pacific Ocean to the west, is still limited to the south with Chile; to the east, with Brazil and Bolivia; and to the north, with Ecuador and Colombia.
The country's territory covers an area of ​​1,285,216 km², where around 29 million inhabitants live. The country presents along its surface a great variety of landscapes, ranging from plains, on the Pacific coast; high peaks, in the Andes Mountains; and the Amazon Forest to the east.
Peru is home to the highest navigable lake in the world, Titicaca, with an altitude of 3,821 meters.

Lima, capital of Peru.

The country has different climatic characteristics, close to the coast it hardly rains, where there are two seasons: a hot (November to March) and a cold (April to November) season. In the Amazon forest region there is a high rate of rainfall.
Mining is one of the main economic activities developed in the country, with emphasis on the exploration of silver, copper, zinc and tin. In commercial agriculture, the main crops are sugarcane, cotton, coffee and wheat. In subsistence agriculture the main products are maize and potatoes. The country also stands out in fishing activity, it is one of the largest fish producers in the world.

The Peruvian population is mostly made up of Amerindians, accounting for 45% of the total population. Mestizos (mixture between Amerindians and Europeans) account for 37% of the population; descendants of Europeans, 15%; and the rest (3%) are African, Japanese and Chinese.
General information
Name: Republic of Peru.
 Coat of Arms:
Gentile: Peruvian (a).
Capital: Lima.
Official language: Spanish and co-official languages ​​such as Quechua and Aymara.
Government: Presidential Republic.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.723 (high).
Currency: Nuevo Sol.
Official website:
Location: west of South America.
Religion: Christianity (92.5% Catholics and 5.5% Protestants) and other religions 2%.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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