Significance of the Linen Wedding (13 years of marriage)

The linen wedding, also called the lace wedding, symbolizes the birthday of 13 years of marriage for a couple.

Weddings are commemorative dates when couples celebrate their union and the vows they made at the wedding. The word wedding comes from the Latin term “votum”, which means promise.

Each wedding anniversary is symbolized with a different material, starting with the most fragile, such as paper and cotton, to the most resistant, such as gold and diamond.

Linen is a very resistant fiber fabric and symbolizes the strengthening of the relationship after 13 years of marriage. Lace, on the other hand, is a thin and transparent fabric and is used to represent the transparency that was created between the couple.

Weddings are usually celebrated with gifts, dinners, trips or simply with the renewal of vows between lovers.

The celebration of wedding anniversaries began as a tradition in Germany, with the celebration of the silver and other weddings, which celebrate the 25th and 50th years of marriage, respectively.

At silver and gold weddings, it is common for couples to hold large parties to celebrate the union in the presence of friends and family.

Currently there are names for the celebrations of every year of marriage and even months for the newlyweds.

Also get to know the others wedding wedding and the wedding months wedding.

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