Planck's constant: value, origin, Planck's law

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THE constantinPlanck, represented by the symbol H, is one of the fundamental constants for the study of quantum physics and is worth about 6,63.10-34 m².kg/s. This constant is used in calculations that describe phenomena related to behaviorcorpuscular and undulatory of objects whose dimensions approach the scale of atoms and their constituents.

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Origin of Planck's constant

THE constantinPlanck was introduced to physics by the German MaxPlanck (1858-1947) in the year 1900. The objective was to try to solve a problem prevailing at the time: the blackbody radiation emission. In his time, calculations led to absurd results, which later became known as the catastropheofultraviolet.

Planck's constant is one of the most important constants in physics.
Planck's constant is one of the most important constants in physics.

In search of a solution to the problem of the ultraviolet catastrophe, Planck assumed that the energy of electromagnetic waves issued by the black body should be quantized, that is, it should have minimum values, such as small "packages" or

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how much power. Planck sought to retrieve empirical results obtained by josephStefan and WilhelmWien. Planck's inspiration came from works that talked about statistical thermodynamics written by important physicists, such as LudwigBoltzmann.

Discovery of Planck's constant

Based on experimental results available at the time - measurements of the density of electromagnetic energy emitted by black bodies –, Planck determined that each “packet” of energy emitted by a blackbody should be an integer multiple of a minimum, equal value. The 6,63.10-34 m².kg/s.

In addition to having determined the magnitude of this important constant, Planck showed that his calculations were capable of explaining the absurd results obtained by the prevailing theories of the electromagnetism, when these proposed to explain the emission of black bodies.

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Planck's constant value

The currently known value of Planck's constant is quite accurate, showing several decimal places:

Planck's constant is one of the best known physics constants, thanks to the enormous precision of its measurement and also for its magnitude, which is related to measurements of energy. In addition, it is also fundamental to the definition of one of the most important fundamentals of quantum physics: the uncertainty principle.

Planck's Law 

THE lawinPlanck refers to the energy that is re-emitted by a black body in the condition of thermal balance. According to this law, a blackbody absorbs the radiant energy that falls on it, however, this energy is only re-emitted in discrete values, in the form of small packets of energy. These energy packages are currently called photons. The energy of the re-emitted photons is determined by the following law:

AND1 and is2 – energy levels

H - Planck's constant

υ – photon frequency or electromagnetic wave

Although correct, Planck's interpretation of the black body emission was discredited by many physicists of his day. However, along with contributions from Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein, Planck's studies laid the theoretical foundations for physicsquantum.

In 1918, Max Planck was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their contributions to the area of physicsquantum. Shortly thereafter, in 1905, Albert Einstein based himself on Planck's studies, assuming that the electromagnetic energy absorbed by atoms during photoelectric effect it was quantized, similarly to that suggested by Planck for the explanation of blackbody emission. The explanation given by Einstein for the It is madephotoelectric it was very effective and, for this reason, it was recognized with the Nobel Prize in Physics, in the year 1921.

By Rafael Hellerbrock
Physics teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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