Tips to improve hearing

THE hearing it is one of the important senses of our body, and its loss can lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life, because it can entail learning difficulties, professional, emotional and even psychological problems. At causes of loss of hearing are varied and range from simple problems, such as excess wax, to more complex problems, such as infections and even sensory cell degeneration. Thus, it is always necessary to seek medical assistance when a hearing loss is observed.

Read too:Preventing Hearing Impairment

Tips to improve hearing

Hearing loss can be a relatively simple problem, and in some cases it can be easily resolved. Below, we'll provide tips that can help you improve your hearing.

The wax provides protection to our ear, so it's important not to remove it from the ear canal
The wax provides protection to our ear, so it's important not to remove it from the ear canal

  • Removal of excess wax: Wax is produced naturally in the ear canal and ensures protection to him, that's why this secretion it is important and should not be withdrawn. It is very common, however, for people to use cotton swabs to remove this protection, introducing them into the ear canal and pushing the wax into it. By pushing the wax, a kind of plug can be formed, which can lead to hearing difficulties. In this case, it is necessary to remove this plug, but this procedure must be done by a doctor to avoid any problems.

Read too:ear wax

  • Treatment of infections: Hearing loss is often the result of infections. Thus, it is essential to take good care of your health, always using medicines recommended by doctors.

  • Avoid noisy environments: A lot of noise can permanently damage our hearing as it affects the inner ear cells. Thus, the ears must be protected in noisy environments and rest periods must be given to these organs. Also, it is essential not to use headphones with loud music. When using headphones, it is important to adjust the loudness of the sound to at most its midpoint.

Using headphones at a very high volume can damage your hearing.
Using headphones at a very high volume can damage your hearing.

Read too: danger in decibels

  • Food: It's hard to think that food influences our hearing, however this is true. It is therefore necessary to have a healthy eating to ensure good hearing function. The onset of tinnitus, for example, may be related to the consumption of fatty foods, large amounts of sugar, alcohol or caffeine.

  • Surgeries: In some cases, it is necessary to perform surgeries, but each case must be evaluated by the doctor. Tympanoplasty, for example, is a surgery performed to reconstitute the tympanic membrane. The rupture of the membrane can lead to tinnitus.

Periodic medical examinations are essential to avoid serious hearing complications
Periodic medical examinations are essential to avoid serious hearing complications

  • Hearing Aid: In some patients, hearing improvement is achieved only with the use of a hearing aid. This device ensures an increase in the volume of sounds, making it easier for the patient to hear.

We can see, therefore, that it is essential to take good care of our hearing and that this is relatively simple. Periodic visits to the doctor and healthy lifestyle habits are essential for the proper functioning of our bodies.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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