End 2019: Inep informs when the result will be released

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) reported on this Monday, August 26, that the results of the National Examination for Certification of Skills Youth and Adults (fill), both for elementary and high school, will be released in December.

Update: the result should come out on the day December 6th

The proofs of End 2019 were held yesterday, 25, by 1,185,945 people, an abstention of 60%. Nearly 3 million young people and adults have applied to seek certification for elementary or high school.

Despite the high rate of absentees, Inep reported that the number of participants was 45% higher compared to last year. Also according to Inep, 215 people were eliminated for not complying with the examination rules.

Yesterday, participants answered four objective tests, with 30 multiple-choice questions, and prepared an essay. The themes of the essay were “The organization of time and access to social networks”, for high school, and “New forms of conscious consumption”, for the fundamental.


The Encceja 2019 template will be released until September 6th. It is necessary to get 100 points in each objective test of Encceja to pass, while the essay requires a minimum score of 5 points (out of a maximum of 10).

Participants who obtain the minimum score in one or more tests, but do not have the required score in all areas, may request the declaration of proficiency so that the subjects are eliminated from their Encceja tests 2020.

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Certification is carried out by the departments of education and some federal institutes of education, places that also issue statements of proficiency.

Encceja x Enem

Participants who complete the Encceja for high school will be able to participate in the next editions of the National High School Exam (And either). With the Enem score, it is possible to enter higher education through the Unified Selection System (SiSU), University for All Program (ProUni) and Student Financing Fund (faithful).

Enceja Exterior

Brazilians living abroad were able to enroll in the Encceja Exterior 2019. The tests follow the same line of disciplines and will be applied on September 15th, in several countries that have an agreement with Inep, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Encceja Deprived of Liberty

The Encceja Privados de Liberdade serves people who are serving time in the Brazilian prison system or are in socio-educational measures. Enrollments were made by the pedagogical coordinators of the places where the incarceration is carried out. The tests will be applied on October 8th and 9th.

More information at Inep website or in the special of Encceja Brasil Escola.

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