THE Lent this is how we know the period of preparation for Easter, which is marked by practices of penance, such as fasting and charitable works. Traditionally, Lent is understood as a period of 40 days, but it currently has a 44-day extension. This practice emerged in the fourth century d. Ç.
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What is Lent?
Lent is a preparation period before the Easternothe christian tradition. Traditionally, this period extends for 40 days, starting in Fourth-Fthreshing floor and ending on Palm Sunday, that is, one week before Easter Sunday. However, since the pontificate of Paul VI, Lent has lasted 44 days, as it only ends on Maundy Thursday.

Lent, being a period of preparation, is seen, above all in the Catholic tradition, as the time conducive to fasting, charities and a lot of prayer. The purpose of performing these works is part of an effort for the faithful to expand their devotion to God and repent of their sins.
THE word "Lent" comes from the term Quadragesima, which in Latin means “forty days”. This association of the term with the forty days is also present in other languages, such as Spanish, which refers to the period as Quaresma; in Italian, Lent; and in French, careme.
It is not known exactly why Lent was established to last 40 days, but, in biblical tradition, several events took place over a period that takes the number 40:
Jesus' fast in the desert took 40 days;
the flood that Noah survived also took 40 days and 40 nights;
the crossing of the desert by Moses and the Hebrews took place in 40 years, etc.
Lent is a practice carried out by the faithful of traditioncatholic, as well as by devotees of the churchOrthodox, Anglicans and Lutherans. Here in Brazil there are a large number of evangelical Christians and, for them, Lent is not observed, since the understanding of the evangelical tradition is that practices such as fasting and prayer should not be limited to just the 40 days that predate Easter.
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When did Lent appear?
Lent is a practice of the Catholic Church that was consolidated in the 4th century d. Ç., more precisely in the year 325, when the First Council of Nicaea. This council consisted basically of a meeting of bishops to debate important issues relating to the Christian faith in the early days of the Church.

At this council, for example, the Nicene Creed was formulated, a profession of the Christian faith. Furthermore, the date of Easter has been set, based on criteria that took into account the spring equinox and the phases of the Moon. Finally, it was at this council that the first mention à Lent in history.
One of the documents prepared by the participants of this council mentioned the word "tessarakonta”, which in Greek means exactly “forty”. Thus, it is believed that the practice of performing fasts and penances for 40 days was an evolution of Christian practices throughout antiquity.
Among these practices, the performance of fasts among those who would be baptized during the Easter period stands out. In addition, there are signs of fasts performed by the faithful in preparation for the Easter celebrations.
Another record, for example, speaks of Tertullian, a second- and third-century Christian in North Africa, who mentioned a fast that lasted two or three days in preparation for Easter. Other reports from antiquity found in other regions also point to other ways of carrying out this paschal preparation.
Therefore, it is believed that the gradual evolution of these practices added to the symbolism of the number 40 in the biblical accounts may have contributed to Lent lasting 40 days.
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Lent Practices
As we have seen, the practice of fast it is observed by many faithful during the 40-day extension of this period. It is very traditional that those who carry out the fast do not consume red meat, or even sweets or alcoholic beverages, for example. What the fast will be is up to each believer.
With regard to meat consumption, it is abstinence from meat during Friday is very common.Fholy threshing floor. Traditionally on this day many prefer to consume fish meat and refrain from consuming red meat or chicken. This practice is believed to have emerged in the Middle Ages.
Another Lenten practice is that many faithful intensify Bible reading, as well as increase your prayer routine. Finally, carrying out charitable works for those in need is another practice reinforced during this period.
By Daniel Neves
History teacher