Heat and Weather Forecast

question 1

(Unitau-SP) Heat is a form of energy which is right claim:

a) It is defined as the average mechanical energy contained in a body.
b) It is defined as the total kinetic energy contained in a body.
c) It is defined as the energy that flows between bodies due to the difference in temperature of these bodies.
d) It is defined as the average electrical energy of the molecules of a body.
e) It is defined as the gravitational potential energy of a body.

question 2

(IFSC) Heat can be defined as a form of energy in transit, motivated by a difference in temperature. A body can receive or give up energy in the form of heat, but never store it. The act of supplying or giving heat to a substance can have consequences, such as a phase change or temperature variation. Based on this knowledge, what will happen if we continuously supply heat to a block of ice that is at 0°C, at a pressure of 1 atmosphere?

tick the alternative correct.

a) First the block will melt and then heat up.
b) First the block will heat up and then melt.

c) First the block will melt and then solidify.
d) Nothing will happen.
e) The block will heat up.

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