Massachusetts. State of Massachusetts

Located in the northeastern region of the United States, known as New England, Massachusetts is one of fifty US states. It is limited to the States of New York to the west, New Hampshire and Vermont to the north, Connecticut and Rhode Island to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.

Massachusetts was one of the thirteen English colonies, having been the scene of the first wars for the independence of the United States. In fact, the State ratified the US Constitution on February 6, 1788. Massachusetts is known for its pioneering spirit, as the state's first newspaper, first institution of higher education, and first public library were founded in the state.

Geographically, the State is characterized by its large number of bays, rivers and lakes. Approximately 55% of its entire territorial extension is formed by forests. The predominant climate in Massachusetts is temperate, with cold winter temperatures (average of 0ºC), especially in its western region, where altitudes are higher. In summer, temperatures are milder; in the coastal region the highest temperatures are recorded: an average of 25ºC.

Although it has a relatively small area (27,360 km²), the state is the third most densely populated in the United States. It is also one of the main destinations for immigrants, especially Latin Americans. A reflection of this is the predominance of the Catholic religion, since Massachusetts has always been a mostly Protestant state throughout its history.

Massachusetts is one of the great financial hubs of the United States. The state's per capita income is the fourth highest in the country. The tertiary sector accounts for 82% of its entire GDP, with an emphasis on the provision of financial and real estate services. Its capital and largest city, Boston, is one of the great American metropolises.

The main highlight of the State is in education, without a doubt. Massachusetts has a large number of educational institutions; In the greater Boston area alone, there are more than 100 universities. Among many of them, we can highlight the University of Harvard, considered the biggest and best university in the world; and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), one of the world leaders in science and technology.

Source: Brazil School -

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