26th of July - Grandparents Day

On July 26th, Grandparents' Day is celebrated.. This day was created to honor the figure of the grandparents, what it is one of the most beloved and respected (although, unfortunately, this is not the reality of all families).

This happens mainly due to the experience that they have accumulated over the years and by the wisdom that they can pass on to later generations, especially grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Just as there are days to honor our country and mothers, there is also a special day to be together and pay homage to our grandparents. that day is 26 of jeye!

Read too: October 1st - Elderly Day

Origin of Grandparents Day

Grandparents' Day is a date that honors these important family members.
Grandparents' Day is a date that honors these important family members.

But why do you celebrate the grandparents day just on that day? To understand the origin of grandparents' day, it is necessary to refer to the biography of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.

July 26th was chosen by the pope Paul VI, in the twentieth century, to honor Mary's parents, mother of Jesus, called

Ana and Joaquim. These two historical and biblical characters were canonized in the 16th century by the Pope Gregory VIII for being parents of the mother of Christ and for having conceived her, according to the Christian tradition, through a miraculous action, since the couple, at the time, was considered sterile. Santa Ana and Saint joaquim, the grandparents of Jesus, over the centuries, received festive commemorations on several different dates, but Paul VI saw fit to determine the 26th as the definitive date.

See too: October 12th – Children's Day

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importance of grandparents

Regardless of the adherence or not to the tradition of Catholic saints, as well as the insertion of the figure of the grandparents of Jesus in this tradition, the figure of Ana and Joaquim says a lot about the fundamental role of grandparents in structuring a family, whatever the problems or happiness she comes to share. We know that sometimes grandparents play the role of parents to their grandchildren; or it is the grandparents who need the care of their grandchildren in times when they are affected by illnesses or something similar.

Furthermore, the figure of grandparents reveals to young people their own future, that is, it gives them the image of what they will one day be. In this image, the purpose of the actions we perform throughout our life must be seen; the measures of these actions must also be weighed. Being elderly, for the most part, is source of inspiration and wisdom. The day dedicated to grandparents is an opportunity to meditate on this, on the future that awaits everyone and on the paths we will take in our lives.

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

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FERNANDES, Claudio. "26th of July – Grandparents' Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-vovo.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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