O hiccup it is a condition—usually transient—caused by diaphragm spasm. Very common in babies, it can also occur in adults, when you eat too quickly or drink alcohol in excess, for example. Although it may indicate some diseases, the hiccup is usually benign.
What is the hiccup?
Hiccup is a situation that happens due to a sudden involuntary contraction ofdiaphragm (dome-shaped muscle that helps in breathing), followed by the closing of the glottis (region between two true vocal folds) during inspiration. The hiccup has a characteristic noise, which is caused by the sudden passage of inspiratory air. In general, hiccups last a few minutes, but in some situations they can go on for hours and even weeks.
Hiccups can be classified in different ways, one of them being acute, transient or self-limited; persistent; and intractable. O acute, transient or self-limiting it is that hiccup that lasts less than 48 hours. Persistent, in turn, is one that lasts between 48 hours and 1 month. O intractable
is one that lasts longer than 2 months. Intractable hiccups are related to a serious reduction in quality of life, as it can cause malnutrition, weight loss and insomnia.Read too: O is inbreath and outbreath?
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What causes the hiccup?
The hiccup can be triggered by different causes, being some of them overeating, drinking carbonated drinks, chewing gum and smoking. Also, some more serious causes can be highlighted, such as stress, anxiety, depression and neurological, respiratory and digestive diseases. It is noteworthy that, in babies, hiccups also occur frequently, however, in these cases, the explanation lies in the fact that hiccups babies present a nervous system in training, which still does not have full control of the diaphragm muscle.
It is important to point out that hiccups that stay for more than 48 hours must be investigated by a physician for its cause to be determined. Endoscopy, blood work, and pulmonary function tests are examples of tests that can be ordered for diagnosis.

What can be done to prevent hiccups?
As hiccups are closely related to overeating, drinking fluids during meals, drinking a lot of alcohol and smoking, avoid these practices, the risks of having a crisis are reduced. In addition, it is essential to treat health problems that may be linked to hiccups, such as anxiety and depression.
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What can be done to stop the hiccup?
Although hiccups usually go away spontaneously, some simple solutions can be tried to end the crisis. Check out some tips to solve this disorder according to the Ministry of Health:
Hold the breath: When we hold our breath, there is an increase in carbon dioxide levels in our body. Our body notices this increase and sends information that causes the diaphragm to contract in order to guarantee the respiratory rate.
Drinking ice water: Cold water causes a change in temperature that stimulates our vagus nerve, which acts on the diaphragm.
Get a fright: When being frightened, a person releases a substance in his body called catecholamine, which has the function of regulating the so-called phrenic nerve, which also acts in the action of the diaphragm.
If none of the tips solve the problem and the hiccups continue for more than 48 hours, it is essential to seek medical attention. In these situations, the treatment will be indicated according to the problem identified in the patient.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "What causes the hiccup?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/o-que-causa-o-soluco.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.