Meaning of Value Judgment (What it is, Concept and Definition)

value judgment is a judgment made from individual perceptions, based on cultural and sentimental factors, ideologies and personal prejudices, usually related to moral values.

A value judgment can be interpreted from a pejorative point of view, when it means that a certain assessment or judgment was made. based on the personal values ​​of a given individual, without following an impartial, rational and objective thought about the event.

In this context, value judgment can be a path to prejudice, discrimination and unfair judgments.

However, the value judgment, in the legal context, can also be understood as a positive quality, provided that the judgment is made based on a set of universal, moral and ethical.

Learn more about the meaning of Ethic and moral.

Example: "The girl is tall and thin" (royal judgment, as it presents the person's physical characteristics, as it actually is) / “The girl is beautiful” (she is a value judgment, as the physical characteristics “tall and thin” were assessed as being characteristic of people considered “beautiful”).

See also the meaning of moral sense.

In society, the value judgment works as a "thermometer", indicating what is right and wrong, good and bad, beautiful and ugly, and so on.

Judgment of value and judgment of fact

O factual judgment or reality judgment it is a judgment based on an analysis free from personal values ​​or subjective interpretations, focusing solely on what is visible or scientifically proven.

already the value judgment – as the name suggests – is related to the evaluation obtained from something based on values, ideas or concepts individual, interpreted through the aesthetic appearance, morality or credibility of a given situation, by example.

Find out more about the meaning of judgment of fact.

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