Meaning of Dilemma (What it is, Concept and Definition)

dilemma is a situation, normally problematic, constituted by two solutions that are contradictory to each other, but both acceptable.

When it is said that a certain person is “facing a dilemma”, it means that they are having to make an extremely difficult decision.

The reasoning that configures the dilemma is studied from a philosophical perspective that, since the beginnings of philosophy, consists in the idea of ​​an argument that presents two alternatives, but with contrasting scenarios and both unsatisfactory.

As a rule, in a dilemma none of the hypotheses are satisfactory, even though they are different, both solutions provoke feelings of discontent in the person who is in a dilemma.

Generally, the factors that make dilemmas so complex are linked to moral and ethical issues, values ​​that govern the behavior of people in society.

See also: O meaning of ethics and morals.

Among some of the main synonyms of the word “dilemma” are: doubt, perplexity, hesitation, indecision, doubt, impasse and problem.

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