The dark side of the Vatican

For centuries the Catholic Church has played a strong influence, not only in the religious field, but also in other segments of world society, influences that are often for the benefit of the church.

The representatives of the Catholic Church saw themselves as responsible for the administration of the church itself, they acted determining kingdoms, who would be rich or poor, etc. The "Representatives of God here on Earth" conducted the riches, forbade the enrichment of poor people claiming that these were in such a condition because God wanted them to, and that such a reality would guarantee them a place in the sky.

Around 1184, the Vatican created a group to impose the Catholic religion on those who did not adhere to Catholicism as a religion. Force was the way the group acted, pursuing and even killing if necessary.

The Catholic Church waged a struggle (war) against the advance of Islam, which had already spread from Spain to India. Far from religious principles, priests began to perform illicit attitudes, such as having lovers, practicing violence and being corrupt.

The Catholic leadership was only fragmented in 1517, by the German theologian Martin Luther, this happened with the Protestant Reformation, in which Christian practice should have another "dress" or configuration in its Principles. The Reformation reached several European countries, and from then on the papacy no longer had an active voice before Christians.

The seven capital sins

This expression was created in the sixth century by Pope Gregory I, who drew up a list of seven sins. Such sins should be repudiated by Catholics, however, the Catholic Church left several traces that it did not fulfill them.

The following are some of the seven deadly sins practiced by the Church:

Laziness: If there was, it went unnoticed.

Gluttony: Some popes enjoyed large banquets; and a priest died after eating two melons alone.

Avarice: To this day, the Catholic Church has immense wealth, arising from the dubious and questionable past regarding its acquisitions. False documents were created to hold land in her name.

Envy: In search of positions within the church, some pontiffs had their competitors killed, or killed with their bare hands.

Ira: Some popes have even beaten cardinals.

Pride: There are statements that the pope would be infallible in his attitudes and practices of ethics and faith.

Lust: In early Christianity, priests could marry and have children. As time went by, they began to defend celibacy (not having a romantic relationship), but the pontiff Alexandre VI had nine children with three different women and he did not hide his attraction to his mistress Giulia.

Source: Adventures in History Magazine,
Issue 15 - May - 2007- pages 30 and 31.

Eduardo de Freitas

Source: Brazil School -

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