Subordinate clauses adjectives - A close look

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In order to better understand this subject, it is essential that we understand the aspects related to the concept of any and all terms.
Why subordinate clauses?
They are conceptualized as such, due to of the relationship of dependence established between the first and second clauses.
Since we arrived, the visits have not ceased.

Analyzing the meaning of the linguistic utterance present in them, we obtain:
Since we arrived - Prayer becomes meaningless when said randomly.

Already in: The visits have not ceased Prayer by itself has essential requirements for it to be meaningful.

Thus, the term "subordination"it portrays the dependence of meaning that the first sentence has on the second.
As for the term "adjectives", the same is due to the fact that sentences play the role of adjectives. Note:
The boy who was happy got a toy.

We note that "joyful" is a characteristic referring to the noun boy.
According to the classification, the subordinate adjectives are subdivided into: Restrictive and Explanatory.

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A more detailed analysis will make it much easier to understand. So, pay attention to the following prayers:
Dogs that are furry need more care - Restrictive adjective subordinate clause.
Initially, we must understand that “dogs” are part of a complex set that is represented by four-legged animals, mammals, carnivores, among others.
However, the adjective furry represents only a subclass of these animals, as there are breeds that are not furry. Hence the concept of restrictive, as it restricts only to a certain race.

Sao Paulo, what is the biggest Brazilian metropolis, presents several social problems.

We note that the term arranged between commas represents a universal truth, that is, it is part of a common knowledge to all people. Therefore, it represents more detailed information about the city of São Paulo. Hence the denomination of explanatory.
Let's look at another example:
Santos Dumont, what it was the inventor of the 14 Bis, became a milestone in our history.

A similar fact occurs in this clause, since the expression written between commas characterizes the explanatory subordinate.
Therefore, based on this assumption, it is possible that we no longer have any doubts in classifying them correctly.

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By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Grammar - Brazil School

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Subordinate clauses adjectives – A close look"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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