Word formation processes

There are in Portuguese primitive words, derived words, simple words and compound words.

  • primitive words: those that, in the Portuguese language, do not come from another word. E.g.: stone, flower.
  • derived words: those that, in Portuguese, come from another word. E.g.: mason, florist.
  • simple words: those that have a single root. E.g.: oil, horse.
  • compound words: those that have more than one radical. E.g.: cauliflower, plateau.

Compound words may or may not have their elements linked by a hyphen.

Word formation processes

As word formation processes, we can mention:

  • Composition

There will be composition when two or more stems join together to form a new word. There are two types of composition: juxtaposition and agglutination.
⇒ Juxtaposition: occurs when the elements that make up the compound are placed side by side, that is, juxtaposed:

lightning rod

run Run




⇒ Composition by agglutination: occurs when the elements that make up the compound coalesce and at least one of them loses its sound integrity:

Brandy (water + burning), plateau (flat + high)

Legs (leg + tall), vinegar (wine + acrid)

  • Derivation by adding affixes

It is the process by which new (derived) words are obtained by attaching affixes to the primitive word. The derivation can be: prefixal, suffixal and parasynthetic.
⇒  Prefix (or prefix): the new word is obtained by adding a prefix.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

disloyal unhappy
prefix + stem prefix + stem

⇒ Suffix (or suffix): the new word is obtained by adding a suffix.

Fortunately loyalty
stem + suffix radical + suffix

Parasynthetic: the new word is obtained by the simultaneous addition of prefix and suffix. By parasynthesis mainly verbs are formed.

prefix + radical + suffix

prefix + radical + suffix

  • Other types of derivation:

There are two cases where the derived word is formed without the presence of affixes. They are: the regressive derivation and the improper derivation.
regressive derivation: the new word is obtained by reducing the primitive word. It occurs, above all, in the formation of nouns derived from verbs.

Improper derivation: the new (derived) word is obtained by changing the grammatical category of the primitive word. Therefore, there is no change in form, but only in the grammatical class.


dinner (substantive) drift from dinner (verb)
spider woman (the adjective spider drift from substantive Spider)
I didn't understand the reason for the fight. (O substantive why does it derive from conjunction why)

Other word formation processes:

Hybridism: is the word formed with elements from different languages.

automobile (auto: Greek; mobile: latin)
sociology (socio: latin; logia: greek)
sambódromo (samba: African dialect; dromo: greek)

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature

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SILVA, Marina Cabral da. "Word formation processes"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/estrutura-e-formacao-de-palavras-ii.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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