The Globalization Process. Globalization

question 1

A report by the World Economic Forum points out that emerging countries, despite the impressive economic performance of recent years, are still far behind in investment in information technology (IT), that is, data management and data management systems. Communication. This is a crucial area for the development of these countries, including Brazil, to change its level, giving them better conditions to compete with rich countries and to provide well-being to the population. The Forum's study warns that the delay in overcoming deficiencies will compromise the potential for expansion of emerging countries [...].

In this annual connectivity ranking, Brazil rose from 65th to 60th place among 144 countries, below Russia (54th) and China (58th) and above India (68th) and Africa of the South (70th). In Latin America, Brazil is surpassed by Chile (34th), Puerto Rico (36th), Barbados (39th), Panama (46th), Uruguay (52nd) and Costa Rica (53rd. º). The classification takes into account factors such as infrastructure, the level of preparedness for using IT, the quality and cost of the access to systems and the ease of doing business and promoting innovation, in addition to the effects of IT on the economy and society [...].

The State of S. Paulo, April 27, 2013. Slow technological advance. Available in: Estadã

Based on reading the text, we can say that the process of globalization and diffusion of technologies is:

I. Uneven, always following the levels of economic development.

II. Dynamic, based on transformations brought about by technological advances.

III. Structural, as it needs material goods to establish its expansion.

IV. Revolutionary, as it expands quickly, even in peripheral areas.

The statements are correct:

a) I and II

b) II and III

c) I and IV

d) III and IV

e) II, III and IV

question 2

Cartoon depicting Globalization

Carlos Ruas. Any Saturday. Available in: Any Saturday.

Check the alternative that indicates the characteristic of Globalization represented by the strip:

a) Commodification of the Economy

b) Formation of Economic Agreements

c) Cartelization

d) Expansion of global companies

e) Censorship of advertising media

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