Meaning of Absolute Population (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Absolute population is the total number of inhabitants of a place (country, city, state, etc.).

When a certain place has a large number of inhabitants, we say that it is “populous” or has a large absolute population; and when it has a small number of inhabitants, we say that it is “unpopulated” or of small absolute population.

It can also be defined as a fixed population, which has fixed houses or dwellings. Thus, a country that has a high number of absolute population is called populous.

Currently, the Absolute world population is 7.2 billion people, and the five most populous countries in the world are: China, India, United States, Indonesia and Brazil.

Brazil's absolute population

According to the 2013 demographic census, Brazil had an absolute population of approximately 200.5 million inhabitants, occupying 5th place in the ranking countries with more people.

However, the Brazilian population is poorly distributed, as there are regions of the country with a high geographic density, while others with low concentrations of people.

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The Southeast and South regions are the most populated, while the North and Center West are among the regions with the lowest population density.

Relative population

Relative population is also called population density, and some people confuse absolute population with population density.

Demographic density is the average of inhabitants per km2, to obtain it just divide the absolute population by the area.

When a place has a high population density we say that it is densely populated; and when it has low density we say it is sparsely populated.

See also the meaning of Birth rate.

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