Environmental Policy in Brazil. The directions of environmental policy

it is understood by environmental policy the set of norms, laws and public actions aimed at preserving the environment in a given territory. In Brazil, this practice was only adopted after the 1930s.

The first government actions in favor of environmental preservation in the country were based on the creation of parks located in points where agricultural expansions and the consequent processes of logging. In the meantime, the creation of the Itatiaia National Park (on the border of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro), from Iguaçu Park (between Paraná and Argentina) and Serra dos Órgãos (also in the state of Rio de January). In addition, in 1934, the first Brazilian Forest Code was drawn up to regulate the use of land in order to preserve the natural environment.

However, thanks to the industrial expansion process that intensified in the country from the 1950s onwards – when the objective was to attract industries and boost the country's economic and financial development – ​​environmental policies were left aside and, consequently, their advances stagnated.

In the 1960s, some actions were still carried out, with emphasis on the promulgation of the New Brazilian Forest Code, which established some new parameters, such as the creation of APPs (Permanent Protection Areas) and the accountability of rural producers for the creation of forest reserves in their land.

In the following years, thanks to the pressure exerted by the environmental movements, in addition to the realization of the 1972 Stockholm Conference, Brazil resumed the use of actions aimed at expanding environmental policy in the country. The first big step was the creation, in 1973, of the Special Secretariat for the Environment (SEMA), whose orientation revolved around the preservation of the environment and the maintenance of natural resources in the parents.

In the 1980s, other bodies were created, such as the National Environmental System (SISNAMA), the National Environmental Council (CONAMA) and an inspection body, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA)

With the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988, environmental policy in Brazil met its greatest advances when what is considered to be one of the most advanced environmental laws in the world was developed. world. This reference is mainly due to the fact that the legislation encompasses both the duties of citizens and companies, institutions and the government itself. Criticism, from then onwards, was no longer directed at the legislation, starting to question about its application, since numerous environmental crimes - especially those committed by large companies - usually end up without punishment.

In 2010, however, there was a new controversy involving environmental policy, with the elaboration of a New Forest Code, which is considered by environmental groups as a step backwards in Brazilian legislation in relation to the environment. Among the controversial points is the reduction of the areas of APPs and the amnesty for environmental crimes committed by landowners.

By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/brasil/politica-ambiental-no-brasil.htm

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