The number of immigrants in the United States

United States is one of the main countries of attraction of immigrants in the world. Recently, the country has been receiving a high number of immigrants, one of the largest in history. The migratory flow has led the nation to a major structural, population and social transformation.
To get a sense of what is happening in the United States, it is as if every five years a city emerges in the country with a population equivalent to Rio de Janeiro. According to estimates, the number of immigrants (legal and illegal) living in the United States is approximately 28 million people, in 1930 this portion of the population was three times smaller.
The Center for Immigration Studies released data on the number of immigrants in the United States, which stated that about 1.2 million people arrive in the US per year. Today, about 10% of the country's population is immigrant, a high number, considering that the last time this happened was in the beginning of the 20th century, a few decades before the Second World War.

The main areas of repulsion (countries of origin of immigrants) are: Mexico, with approximately 7.8 million immigrants living in the United States, as well as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong (1.3 million), the Philippines (1.2 million) and India (1 million).
Currently, the reality of immigrants from the United States is not so different from that found between the years of 1870 and 1910, when the country received about 20 million people. In the 1970s, half of immigrants lived below the poverty line. Currently, approximately 30% of immigrants do not even have high school. The number of immigrants currently inhabiting the country (28 million) is a record, since 1970 this number has tripled.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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