Know the medicinal properties of bay leaf

Recently, in the bay leaf, a substance called Riparin 3 was found. The Federal University of Ceará, responsible for the study, discovered the potential of riparin as an antidepressant. So check out tips on ways to use bay leaf and still enjoy its benefits. Check out!

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About the clinical study

In the study prepared by the UFC, a group of guinea pigs received riparin orally, diluted in distilled water, while another group received only the placebo (distilled water only). Subsequently, both groups were subjected to stressful situations.

It could be seen that the group that received riparin was much more resistant to stress-induced depression than the other percentage of controls. The studies are still in the initial stages but, if all goes well, there will be application of these for the development of medicines.

Recipes with bay leaf

So, see ways to use the bay leaf and include it in your daily life to enjoy its benefits.

Bay tea with lemon

This is an excellent tea option because, in addition to being a source of vitamins, it also has analgesic functions that relieve pain and promote control of menstrual flow and even diabetes.


  • 2 blond leaves;
  • 250 ml of boiling water;
  • Half lemon.

Method of preparation:

In a pan, add the 250 ml of water and the two bay leaves. Turn on the heat and wait until the water starts to boil. When this happens, turn off the heat and wait for 5 minutes.

Once warm, strain and pour into a cup or other container of your choice. Finally, add the juice of half a lemon, stir well and your tea is ready!

To season the beans

In general, bay leaves are also used to flavor soups, stews, sauces and especially beans. That way, by sautéing and letting your beans cook with the bay leaf, it will be much tastier. Try it!

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