Risks of cigarette use

O smoking is considered a public health problem related to about 50 types of diseases. It is estimated that, annually, five million deaths worldwide result from this practice. Next, we'll further explore the risks associated with smoking.

→ The risks of using cigarettes

O cigarette it is related to the appearance of several diseases. Among them, without a doubt, cancer is the best known. In addition, its use can cause cardiovascular and pulmonary problems, caused by harmful substances found in tobacco, such as tar and the nicotine. Nicotine also causes chemical dependency, such as what happens with the use of drugs such as cocaine.

  • Cancer: Among the types of cancer related to smoking is the lung cancer. Studies show that 90% of lung cancer cases in men are caused by smoking. In women, this factor is related to 70% of cases. Smoking still affects people who do not use cigarettes, who become passive smokers and can also develop lung cancer as a result of exposure to this product. According to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), people who do not smoke, but are subjected to passive smoking indoors, have a 30% higher risk of getting lung cancer. In addition, exposure to tobacco is also related to the following types of cancer: oropharynx, bladder, pancreas, larynx, esophagus, colon and cervix.

  • Cardiovascular problems: The incidence of cardiovascular problems can also increase as a result of smoking. It is now known that smokers are nearly three times more likely to die from a heart attack than people who do not smoke. In addition, smoking is related to hypertension, triggering and aggravating this health condition.

  • Lung problems:According to Inca, 85% of deaths due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (emphysema) occur in smokers. In addition to these cases, smoking also increases the risk of tuberculosis and causes decreased mobility of the lung cilia, which help to remove dirt from the lung. Decreased mobility of these cilia provides the accumulation of secretion, triggering cough, for example.

  • Sexual impotence or erectile dysfunction: In addition to triggering impotence, smoking is associated with a decrease in testosterone levels, which also leads to a decrease in fertility.

  • Risks to pregnancy:During pregnancy, the use of cigarettes can also bring the following risks: miscarriages, prematurity, low baby weight, premature displacement of the placenta, fetal and newborn death.

  • Short term effects:Cigarette smoke is also related to some problems that can be quickly noticed, such as:
    eye irritation, headache, cough and nasal manifestations.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/riscos-uso-cigarro.htm

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