THE dyscalculia it is a problem caused by neurological malformation that manifests itself as a difficulty in learning numbers. This learning disability is not caused by mental impairment, poor schooling, visual or hearing deficits, and has nothing to do with IQ levels and intelligence.
Children with dyscalculia are unable to identify mathematical signs, assemble operations, classify numbers, understand measurement principles, follow sequences, understand mathematical concepts, relate the value of coins between others.
Ladislav Kosc described six types of dyscalculia: lexical dyscalculia, verbal dyscalculia, graphic dyscalculia, operational dyscalculia, practognostic dyscalculia and ideognostic dyscalculia.
- Lexical dyscalculia: difficulty in reading mathematical symbols;
- Verbal dyscalculia: difficulties in naming mathematical quantities, numbers, terms and symbols;
- Graphic dyscalculia: difficulty in writing mathematical symbols;
- Operational dyscalculia: difficulty in performing operations and numerical calculations;
- Practognostic dyscalculia: difficulty in enumerating, manipulating and comparing real objects or images;
- Ideognostic dyscalculia: difficulties in mental operations and understanding of mathematical concepts.
For the teacher to be able to detect dyscalculia in his student, it is essential that he be aware of the learning trajectory of this student, especially when he has malformed mathematical symbols, demonstrates inability to operate with numerical quantities, not recognize the signs of operations, have difficulties in reading numbers and not be able to spatially locate multiplication and division. If the disorder is not recognized in time, it can compromise the child's school development, who are afraid of facing new learning experiences adopts inappropriate behaviors, becoming aggressive, apathetic or disinterested.
The psychopedagogist is the professional indicated in the treatment of dyscalculia, which is done in partnership with the school where the child attends. Teachers usually develop specific activities with this student, without isolating him from the rest of the class.
By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology