The Convex Mirror and the Supermarket

Spherical mirrors can be concave or convex. If the reflective surface is internal, the mirror is characterized as concave and if the reflective surface is external, the mirror is characterized as convex.
In several commercial establishments, of which we can cite as examples some supermarkets, convex mirrors are found that help in the establishment's security.
The image provided by this mirror, of a real object, is always virtual, right and smaller than the object, and all these image characteristics are associated with the aid of security, as it allows a larger field of vision, as in figure.

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Thus, corridors can be monitored by the mirror preventing theft from happening.

Convex Mirror

By Frederico Borges de Almeida
Graduated in Physics
Brazil School Team

Optics - Physics - Brazil School

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ALMEIDA, Frederico Borges de. "The Convex Mirror and the Supermarket"; Brazil School

. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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