"Traps" that imply textual quality

The subject that we now propose to discuss, leads us to the elementary notion of what a text really is. Starting with its original features, since it comes from the Latin textum, whose meaning is related to fabric, weft, interweaving.

In this “interlacing” we can say that different elements corroborate so that the entire texture, in the end, materializes in a plausible, perfect way, to the understanding of the interlocutor. In the meantime, the issuer's linguistic competence (knowledge of the rules that govern the entire system dominant linguistic) and the sender's knowledge of the world work as elements of extreme relevance.

However, in the absence of such competence, some “obstacles” undoubtedly tend to manifest themselves, thus interfering with textual aesthetics as a whole. This time, we have that the lack of linguistic competence implies only the lack of clarity of the language, obscuring all the brightness, strength and magic contained in it.

In this sense, we, as enunciators of a discourse, must be aware of this fact, in order to always dedicate ourselves to a good reading, broadening new horizons, building our lexicon and constantly improving our search for the knowledge. Thus, some considerations are outlined below, with a view to emphasizing, above all, the aforementioned “barriers”, which represent what we call linguistic deviations. So, in order to avoid them, let us analyze:

# Ambiguity – It consists of the lack of clarity expressed by the speech, since the lack of ordering of thought results in duplicity of meaning expressed by language, thus materializing in a misinterpretation by the receiver. Examples are:

The mother asked her son to drive her car.
In this case, we do not identify who actually owns the car, whether it is the mother or the child. So, reformulating the message, we would get:

The mother asked the son to drive her car.

# Barbarism: It is characterized by using a word inappropriately, considering factors related to spelling, pronunciation, morphology and semantics. Thus represented:

tray instead of tray
free instead of free
citizens instead of citizens
vehicle traffic rather than traffic.

# Cacophony – occurrence manifested by the encounter or repetition of phonemes which result in an unpleasant sound effect.

I admire the bofemale dog.
I will-me already, because night fell.

# Collision and hiatus – represents an unpleasant sound effect produced by the repetition of identical consonant phonemes.

Cansmasters of salienate on issthe na semanates passada.

# Echo – it also consists of an unpleasant sound, manifested by the sequence of words consisting of the same ending.

We had a disappointment.to the due to his terrible performance.to the, revealed by his poor preparation.to the.

# Foreignism – it consists in the use of words belonging to other languages. According to the origin, they receive the
denomination of Gallicism, Anglicism, Italianism, Germanism, among others.
pedigree instead of race
happy hour instead of late afternoon
outmoded rather than unfashionable
website instead of website

# Plebeism – it is the use of slang, clichés crystallized by living together in society. Materialized by certain expressions related to “like this”, “no one deserves”, “at the level of”, among others.

# Prolixity – represents an accumulation of unnecessary words, or rather, using a well-known colloquial expression, "filling sausage without saying anything."

# Vicious pleonasm – it materializes through the use of unnecessary expressions, once inferred from the interlocutor's lack of knowledge.

down down
climb up
enter inside

# Solecismo – it represents a deviation from syntax, thus infringing the rules of regency, placement, and agreement.

Regency Solecism - We watch the spectacle instead of watching the spectacle.

Agreement solecism -There were many students in the room, instead of there, given the impersonality of the verb.
Placement Solecism -I will speak in your ears, instead of speaking in your ears.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team 

Essay - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/defeitos-um-texto.htm

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