7 examples of moral values

moral values ​​are principles that guide the conduct of people in a society. Moral values ​​are about good versus evil, or right versus wrong. Thus, we say that certain attitudes are morally acceptable because they conform to certain principles – moral values.


Justice is one of the pillars of life in society and concerns what is due to each person by right.

There are countless examples in our daily lives of situations in which justice is done. Let's assume the following situation: a worker leaves a company and, when it comes to settling the accounts, the company refuses to pay what he owes him by right. After a lawsuit, the judge determines that the company pays the worker. Justice was done.

On the other hand, we call for justice when we see a person being convicted without evidence or when we see someone commit a crime and go unpunished. Our feeling of indignation at these injustices expresses our moral sense.

To learn more, read: meaning of justice and meaning of moral sense.


Altruism is the opposite of selfishness. In other words, it is a value that is expressed in behaviors that aim at the well-being of the other. In Christianity, altruism can be translated by the phrase “Love your neighbor as yourself” (James 2:8).

A person who is part of a social organization that provides assistance to people living on the streets is altruistic.

Likewise, a person who decides to engage in a social movement that fights for the rights of wronged social groups is altruistic. She devotes her time and energy to the well-being of others.

Read more about the meaning of altruism.


Honesty is acting according to truth and sincerity. The honest person is the one who, regardless of his interests, acts correctly and truthfully.

Let's assume the following situation: a boy goes to buy a magazine at the newsstand and, through an oversight, the stand owner returns the wrong change, giving more money than he should have. If the boy is honest, he will return the extra money given to him.

Another common situation is finding a cell phone forgotten in a public space. An honest person will try to locate the owner of the cell phone to return the device.

Read more about the meaning of honesty.


Freedom is the right of a person to act according to his own will, as long as he does not break the law. This is one of the greatest values ​​of democratic societies, which value individual and political freedoms.

We often see news of people living in slavery or semi-slavery. If we are appalled by this, it is because we regard freedom as a fundamental value.

A society that, after decades of dictatorship, regains civil and political rights (such as freedom of expression and the freedom to vote) was guided by the value of freedom.

Read more about the meaning of freedom.


Equality is another fundamental value of today's democratic societies. In the Brazilian Constitution, for example, it is written that “everyone is equal before the law”. Thus, from the point of view of rights, all people are equal, regardless of their origin, race, creed or social class.

But people are not the same. For example: some are born rich, others are born poor. For the Greek philosopher Aristotle, equality consists in treating equals equally and unequals unequally, to the extent of their respective inequalities.

There would be equality in a society in which women and men, occupying the same functions, had the same wages. Equal pay is one of the main agendas of movements that fight for gender equality.

There would be equality in a society where there was no wage inequality between races in the labor market.

Read more about meaning of equality and Definition of Gender Equality.


Loyalty is a moral value that provides for voluntary dedication to another person or to a cause. A loyal person does not fail in his promises, keeping his word with responsibility and dedication. In its origin, the word loyalty means “to act in accordance with the law”.

A person can be loyal to a political cause, for example. This means that she will not betray her comrades and will not act against her principles, remaining loyal to her political group from start to finish.

Loyalty is about integrity of character. A disloyal person is one who betrays their commitment, whether to a person, a group or an idea. In a friendship relationship, being loyal is being honest, sincere and dedicated to the friend.

Read more about the meaning of loyalty.


Tolerance is a highly exalted value in democratic societies, in which citizens must accept and, above all, respect differences, whether social, racial, political or religious. To be tolerant is to respect the other's freedom.

A person of a certain religion who lives respectfully and peacefully with another person of another religion can be considered a tolerant person. As much as there are divergences of beliefs, these divergences are overcome in the name of mutual respect.

There is tolerance in a society where people are not discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. The opposite of this is intolerance, that is, disrespect, discrimination and aggression, whether verbal or physical.

Read more about the Definition of Tolerance it's the Meaning of Discrimination;

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