Meaning of Dogmatism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Dogmatism is the tendency of an individual, of affirm or believe in something as true and indisputable, is a term widely used by religion and philosophy. Dogmatism occurs when a person considers an absolute and indisputable truth, which is much debated in religions.

Dogmatism is when truths are told that have not been revised or criticized, that society has simply made them the absolute truth. It is an attitude of individuals to believe in the existence of something without any doubts, which has occurred since antiquity, however many philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, refused to believe some established facts said to be true.

In religion, dogmatism happens with the revelation of God, through various dogmas. The Catholic Church has made dogmas as definitive and immutable, where no one questions the veracity of existence of God, through dogmas such as the most holy trinity, the sacrifice of Jesus, the resurrection of Jesus, and several others.

Dogmatism can be understood in three senses:

  1. As part of realism, that is, a naive attitude that admits the possibility of knowing things in all its truth and also the effectiveness of this knowledge in daily and direct use with stuff.
  2. As absolute confidence in a certain source of knowledge (or supposed knowledge), which source is most often the reason.
  3. As a total submission to certain values ​​or to the authority that applies or advertises them. This sense includes the first two discussed, because it is a behavior adopted thanks to the problem of the possibility of knowledge.

Philosophical Dogmatism

Philosophical dogmatism is the contestation of skepticism, it is when truths are questioned, to make individuals neither trust nor become submissive to established truths. Philosophical dogmatism can be understood as the possibility of knowing the truth, trusting in that knowledge and submitting to that truth without questioning it. Some of the best known dogmatic philosophers are Plato, Aristotle and Parmenides.

In philosophical terms, the word dogmatism initially meant opposition, since it was a philosophical opposition, a thing referring to principles. For this reason, the word "dogmatic" meant "relating to a doctrine" or "founded on principles."

Critical and naive dogmatism

Naive dogmatism refers to someone who completely believes in the possibilities of our knowledge, where we see the world as it is; on the other hand, critical dogmatism believes in our ability to know the truth through a joint effort of the senses and intelligence, through a methodical, rational and scientific.

legal dogmatism

Legal dogmatism is the act of observing, examining and acting before the Law according to guidelines whose assumptions are cognitively proven or are raised by real experiences that arise through specific cases that occurred previously. There is also the possibility of the orientation being based on general values ​​and principles of Law.

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