Base Dissociation Equations

According to Arrhenius, the bases are substances that, when dissolved in water, suffer the phenomenon of dissociation, in which the release of cations and anions occurs. This happens because they are ionic, that is, they have ions in their constitution.

Upon dissociating, a base always releases a cation other than hydronium (H+) and a hydroxyl anion (OH-). The released cation belongs to the group of metallic elements, with the exception of ammonium (NH4+).

the form of represent a dissociation it is through an equation. In general, the Base dissociation equations always have the following parameters:

  • reagent base labeled aq (aqueous);

  • arrow.

  • product with any cation (Y+) and an anion (OH-)

YOH(here) → Y+(here) + OH-(here)

See some examples:

Example 1: Silver hydroxide (AgOH)

It is a base that has the silver metal (Ag) associated with the hydroxide group (OH). When added to water (aq), it occurs the release (dissociation) of the silver cation (Ag1+ - this charge is due to the presence of a hydroxyl group (OH) in the base formula

) and a hydroxyl anion (OH-). So, we can write the dissociation equation as follows:

AgOH(here) → Ag+(here) + 1 oh-(here)

Example 2: Radium hydroxide [Ra(OH)2]

It is a base that has the metal radium (Ra) associated with the hydroxide group (OH). When added to water (aq), the release (dissociation) of the radio cation occurs (Frog2+ - this charge is due to the presence of two hydroxyl groups (OH) in the base formula) it's from two moles of the hydroxyl anion (OH-). So, we can write the dissociation equation as follows:

Ra(OH)2 (here) → Ra2+(here) + 2 oh-(here)

Example 3: Cobalt III hydroxide [Co(OH)3]

It is a base that presents the cobalt metal (Co) associated with the hydroxy group (OH). When added to water, the release (dissociation) of the cobalt cation occurs (With3+- this charge is due to the presence of three hydroxyl groups (OH) in the base formula) it's from three moles of the anion (OH-). So, we can write the dissociation equation as follows:

Co(OH)3(here) → Co3+(here) + 3 oh-(here)

Example 4: Tin hydroxide IV [SnOH)4]

It is a base that has the tin metal (Sn) associated with the hydroxy group (OH). When added to water, the release (dissociation) of the tin cation occurs (Sn4+ - this charge is due to the presence of four hydroxyl groups (OH) in the base formula) it's from four moles of the anion (OH-). So, we can write the dissociation equation as follows:

Sn(OH)4(here) → Yn4+(here) + 4 oh-(here)

Example 5: Arsenic hydroxide V [As (OH)5]

It is a base that has the metal arsenic (As) associated with the hydroxide group (OH). When added to water, the release (dissociation) of the arsenic cation occurs (At5+, this charge is due to the presence of five hydroxyl groups (OH) in the base formula) it's from five moles of the anion (OH-). So, we can write the dissociation equation as follows:

Oh yeah)5 (here) → The5+(here) + 5 oh-(here)

By Me. Diogo Lopes Dias

Source: Brazil School -

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