Subject some of, few of, many of, which of, how many of

Sometimes we find the subject represented by the expressions: Some of, few of, many of, which of, how many of.
a) Some of us heard the song.
b) Few of you have come to my house.
c) Many of us know God.
d) Which one of us will go?
e) How many of us should go?
The above prayers may seem strange to some, but they are all correct according to the cultured norm.
This is because when the role of subject is exercised by such expressions, so much can agree the verb with the interrogative pronoun (which, which, how many), and with the indefinite (a few). It does not stop there! Agreement can also be done with the personal pronoun (we, you, you).
See more examples:
a) Which one of you will let me go?
b) Which of you will let me go?
c) Could some of you pick up the table?
d) Few of us like to stay out late!
Note that the verbs are either agreeing with personal pronouns or with indefinite ones in the letters b, c and d. In the letter “a”, the agreement was made with the interrogative pronoun “which” and, for this reason, it remained in the singular: it will!

Remember to say: Some of you could get the video or Many of us will go to the movies today as agreed is wrong! For the verb is not agreeing neither with the indefinite pronouns (some, many) nor with the personal pronouns (you, us).

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Verbal and Nominal Agreement - Grammar - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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