Tips for studying alone

The method to be used for studies is something extremely subjective. Some students prefer the help of teachers and peers to delve into certain subjects, but there are those who prefer individual study. The fact is that there is no right or wrong way, the important thing is study always and with discipline.

To define a learning technique, the student must, first, take into account their behavior and the degree of difficulty of assimilation when in a group and when alone. Concentration, motivation and performance must be evaluated and compared in both situations.
Tips for studying alone

If the decision is to study alone, Brasil Escola has prepared some tips that can make studying easier. First of all, you must have beware of scattering, as she can be the main enemy of those who prefer to study at home. That is why, concentration on matter,avoiding noisy and busy environments, is the first precaution not to lose the focus of the content.

Turn off cell phones and electronic devices it's a big challenge, but it's a good option for those who want to concentrate on their studies. THE

music is not prohibited, but the hint is that it be in a language that the student does not understand, so there will be no temptation to divert attention to the letter.

It is of great value that the student review the theoretical content through notes in notebooks or texts in books and books, but it is also necessary to carry out Exercises of fixation to mature the learning process. Prioritize the activities of the disciplines considered the most difficult.

In more theoretical content, the record of the main texts is the best output. Preferring handwriting over typing, the trend is toward more effective assimilation. The important thing here is not to copy fragments of a book, but to list essential words and terms for help with memorization of certain subjects. When possible, use colored pens and highlighters to highlight information relevant.

In addition to knowing the best way to study, the student needs to know what is the time of day that yields best and organize the study program in such a way as to privilege these times. However, care must be taken, as this schedule can also affect performance. A closed study guide can be tiring and demotivating, so design a flexible study itinerary with regular breaks it is essential not to get discouraged.

Remember that students need to respect their own bodies. use breaks to exercising and having a healthy snack it is a way to keep physical health in line with intellectual performance.
by Rafael Batista
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School -

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