Konstantin Sergeevitch Alekseiev, Stanislavski

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Russian-born Russian director, actor and theater critic, best remembered for the Stanislavski acting method used in theater schools around the world. Son of an industrialist and grandson of a French actress, from an early age he was attracted to the performing arts and attended circus, opera and ballet. Actor since he was 14, he participated in the creation of the Society of Art and Literature (1888), where he distinguished himself as an actor and director.
Ten years later he founded, with author and director Vladimir Nemirovitch-Danchenko, the Moscow Art Theater, a fundamental institution for the development of modern European dramaturgy. He took over the direction of the Bolshoi Opera Studio (1918) and there (1922) created his style of staging which he called affective memory and which he released on an international tour (1922-1924) and who would become known worldwide as Stanislavski, the pseudonym of his creator.
After suffering a heart attack (1928), he stopped acting and devoted himself to directing and training actors and directors. He wrote Moia jizne v isskusstve (1924), an autobiographical work, and three fundamental works on the method of interpretation he created, which in the Brazilian editions were called A preparation of the actor (1968), The creation of a role (1972) and The construction of character (1976) and died in Moscow.

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Source: http://www.dec.ufcg.edu.br/biografias/

Order S - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/stanislavski-aleksseiev.htm

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