My son, what will you be when you grow up?

This question has been asked for generations and answered according to the most varied wishes (whose? Parents, children, media...) – firefighter, actress, teacher, model, soccer player,...
Today, the ranking of the 10 best schools is frequently published in the press. The criteria for such classification? The number of students who pass the entrance exam! But is this the role of the school? Passing the entrance exam?
This criterion becomes frightening for several reasons, but especially when we think about the entrance exam in this country.
Changes are announced in education: Law of Guidelines and Bases; National Curriculum Parameters; Cross-cutting themes,...
Meanwhile, burnt out Indians and beggars, graffiti covered in patrimony, streets full of garbage, public services that don't work, university students and professionals who don't read and don't write; schools families concerned about passing the entrance exam.
Is this the only function of the school?
Is this the only expectation for our children? Pass the entrance exam?

It even seems that we adults today do not suffer the terror of the label (strong, weak, average), the terror of “shut up”, the terror of decorating without questioning, terror of “being afraid of being happy”, terror of fear of daring, of taking risks, of to feel...
We are like tapirs, as Rubem Alves points out in his article “Boca de Forno”.
We do not leave the learned trails despite the scratches and scars on the skin and soul for fear of the jaguar, and even on them (trails) we push our children.
Where is it written that school has to be a boring, terrifying place, disconnecting from pleasure and joy?
Where is it written that learning is decorating?
As far as I can remember, in our memory of tapirs or, if I learned(?) the lesson well, this vision of school dates back to the century, and we in the 21st century...
Everything we learn (?) to pass the entrance exam, do we use in college or in life?
Is this the school you want for your child?
I do not!
I want a school whose function is to educate, transform. A school where my son can discover the enormous pleasure of learning and building; where you can exercise your curiosity and give free rein to your imagination, your thinking, your doing.
A school that can provide you with a critical view of history and where you can build values, beliefs, solidarity, citizenship, ethics, responsibility, professionalism, will and political action and that above all can contribute to the transformation of this country into a Nation, but without ever forgetting the joy, pleasure and of life!

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Regina Célia de Souza

psychology - Brazil School

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "My son, what will you be when you grow up?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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