Implications of Systems Thinking in the School Context.

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The systemic professional, the one who adopted the systemic approach that proposes abandoning the simplicity of looking for a cause for a phenomenon, privileging interactions within the system; it will act as follows within the school context: it will invite all those "involved" with the problem, from those who deal daily with the client to those "experts" who define him as having a problem, such as a neurologist, a school counselor, a psychopedagogist or a speech therapist.
If the professional worked in a traditional way, talking to each person, and then preparing a synthesis, he would develop his own narrative about the whole case, but he would hold the power - conferred by the knowledge of information - and the responsibility to "act to cure" the client.

Putting together all those “involved”, it is possible to build a new narrative in which everyone participates and power is also shared among everyone. Everyone, even the person with the problem, will be responsible for the diagnosis (problem description) and everyone will be responsible for the cure (the construction of narratives that dissolve the problem).

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For a better understanding of the student's functioning, it is important to understand it in the classroom context, which is a subsystem in the which is inserted, observe the network of systems to which their relationships belong, enabling this new look, and think about the human being, not as an isolated individual with the symptom, but as a result of the interrelationships and pathogenic material of the subsystems that make part. This, perhaps, would be a more “authentic” look.

Patricia Lopes
Brazil School Team

psychology - Brazil School

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LOPES, Patricia. "Implications of Systems Thinking in the School Context."; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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