Edmund Georg Hermann Landau

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Berlin-born German mathematician and author, noted researcher in elementary number theory and later presented the first systematic treatment of analytic number theory. and he also made important contributions to complex analysis. Of Jewish descent, he was the son of a gynecologist, Leopold Landau, and banker heiress Johanna Jacoby, grew up in an important Berlin family. He studied at the French Lycée in Berlin, graduating at age 16 and went on to study mathematics at the University of Berlin, where he received his doctorate (1899), with a thesis on number theory, supervised by Ferdinand Frobenius (1849-1917).
He got his habilitation, the postdoctoral qualification required at German universities (1901), with a job in Dirichlet series, a topic in analytic number theory, created by Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet (1805 - 1859). He taught as a privatdozent at the University of Berlin (1899-1909), where he published over 70 papers, becoming an ordinary professor at the University of Göttingen (1909), replacing Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909), until he was forced to resign by the Nazi regime (1933) and where he worked with David Hilbert (1862-1943) and Felix Klein (1849-1925). After that he received permission to continue living in Berlin, but working outside Germany and went (1934) to Groningen, Holland, and Cambridge, England, and died in Berlin, victim of attack cardiac. He has written tirelessly on mathematics, in a production of several books and over 250 papers on number theory and axiomatic formulations of analysis.

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Picture copied from the TURNBULL WWW SERVER website:
Source: http://www.dec.ufcg.edu.br/biografias/

Order and - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/edmund-georg-hermann-landau.htm


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