Rat Biting Fever

Rats can cause rat bite fever in our species: a rare and fatal disease. Despite the name, the individual can also be infected when ingesting food that had contact with the animal's saliva; or when they put hands or objects contaminated with their feces or urine to their mouths.
When the subject, for example, ingests milk containing Streptobacillus moniliformis and it has symptoms we say are due to Haverhill fever. When it comes to bite, we call it streptobacillosis. The latter is characterized by the manifestation of fever, vomiting and muscle and joint pain and, after a few days, rash on hands and feet.
If not treated, the individual can develop complications, such as endocarditis, pneumonia, pericardia and strokes.
already the spirochete Spirillum minus is able to develop a variety of this disease called sodoku when bitten by this rodent. In this case, after the site has healed, the inflammation reappears, approximately ten days later, accompanied by fever, malaise, pain and the appearance of water. Those

symptoms they may stop for a few days and reappear again if treatment is not done.
Thus, individuals from urban areas where there is little hygiene; people who have these rodents as pets; researchers who have contact with this type of guinea pig and some field biologists, Are subjected to, if you do not take the due care; which consist of wearing gloves, washing your hands constantly and avoiding putting them in your mouth when you are close to animals.
In case of a bite, the wound must be washed with soap and water, being essential the medical care. The professional will be able to analyze the need for the patient to be vaccinated against rabies and tetanus.
For diagnosis, analysis of blood samples is necessary in order to identify bacteria in the material or use it for cultivation in cultures.
For treatment, penicillin is indicated; however, in cases of allergy, it can be replaced by erythromycin, in case of fever caused by Streptobacillus moniliformis, or tetracycline for sodoku.

Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology
Brazil School Team

Diseases Caused by Bacteria - Illnesses - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/doencas/febre-mordedura-rato.htm

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